Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming

Testimonial Ads | The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
“Good writing sounds like someone particular uttered or thought it. If your language has no sound or rhythm, it’s dead, and so is your ad.” - George Felton, Advertising: Concept and Copy
Effective copywriting refers to the use of copy to reach, engage, and sway a particular audience in order to ensure that they identify with a business or entity. Because consumers look for the companies who can speak to them as if the company ultimately exists to fit their needs, it is imperative that these companies create and convey the "voice" of the brand in order to be sustainable. One way to convey effective copy and a brand's voice is through testimonial advertisements, ads that use average people to extol the virtue of a brand or product.
A series of three testimonial ads were created for the "Stronger Together Campaign." The tone and voice employed in the series comes from celebrities and experts who stand outside the brand but are relatable to every day people who suffer from similar illness. The honest headline and tagline copy, along with powerful quotes and imagery from well known celebrities will encourage individuals across the country to join the fight to subdue mental disease because "Our minds are stronger, together!"

This ad uses Brooke Shields, a former Calvin Klein jeans model as the spokesperson to speak up about panic attacks and their effects that are caused by several mental diseases. This ad is successful because the headline attracts attention to the ad. According to Rick Rieck, to relay an honest, enthusiastic testimony, headlines should be written in first person and quotation marks should be added. By doing this, the reader is able to emotionally connects with Brooke Shields.

As the viewer is picturing Gibson in a happy state of mind, the copy conveys the negative signs and effects of mental illness. The proposition is being authenticated by something extra. However, Gibson is shown as not being phased. The quirkiness adds a truthful aura that traditional verbiage could never achieve. By doing such, the ad is transformed into a positive.

Behavioral disorders are closer than you think. This ad speaks directly to students to make them aware of statistics then synthesizing the importance of the stats. Research shows that people want information. It does not have to be new information, but it has to be news to them in order to convince them to care.